Un-Limited Motorsport with Duckhams Racing supporting Women on and off track

2nd October 2024

Over the past month, Un-Limited Motorsport has worked closely with Motorsport UK and Girls on Track to deliver proposals that encourage females to explore careers in motorsport. The collaboration began with an event at Motorsport UK's headquarters, where over 50 young women arrived to discover opportunities in the sport. Members of the Un-Limited team along with Hugh Chambers, Motorsport UK CEO, spoke at the event on the upcoming initiatives.

Following on from the event, six members from Girls on Track took part in a hands-on work experience programme with Un-Limited Motorsport at the BTCC event that took place at Silverstone. To which valuable experience was gained with insights into race operations, team dynamics, and the overall motorsport experience. Due to their impressive performance, two participants will continue with Un-Limited Motorsport for the remainder of the season, further honing their skills.

Looking ahead, Un-Limited Motorsport plans to build on the success of these initiatives, with more opportunities for young women in motorsport currently in development. Through this partnership, Un-Limited Motorsport aims to create lasting change within the TOCA paddock and beyond.

Hugh Chambers, Motorsport UK CEO, said: "Experience like this is essential because it allows you to see which pathway you truly want to pursue. Motorsport is a highly competitive field, and succeeding is about getting the work in now, then being able to enjoy the work-life balance in the future. Sport, in its purest form, is a competition about who’s willing to work the hardest.

"We look for a high level of engagement when recruiting, not just the words on a CV or the qualifications someone has. It's often a tricky decision whether to take an applicant with a degree from a Russell Group University or someone with three years of paddock experience.

"It’s the people skills that get people the furthest. Being able to polish interpersonal skills to captivate potential employers is critical. Exhibit your qualities; make your best skills shine. If you think you're the best in the world at something, show it. Bring that idea alive. Just get out there, go to events. You never know who you’ll meet or what opportunities will arise."

Tom Grainger, Team Principal of Un-Limited Motorsport, notes: "Our collaboration with Motorsport UK through the Girls on Track initiative is about more than just racing. It’s about creating a supportive environment where everyone has the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background. This initiative is a step toward breaking down barriers and demonstrating that there’s a place for everyone in motorsport. The potential we’ve seen from these young women is truly inspiring.

"Commitment to diversity must go beyond words and promises; it’s about taking action now to build a future where talent, not gender or background, defines success."

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