17th April 2020

Listen again to this week’s Autoglym Tin Top Tuesday podcast, as Alan Hyde catches up with numerous BTCC drivers during the third episode of series ‘12B’.

BTCC facts and lockdown hobbies are widely discussed, with 2019 runner-up Andrew Jordan, triple BTCC champion Matt Neal, two-time Independents’ Trophy winner Tom Ingram, series returnee Mat Jackson and a special guest all adding to the line-up.

The two-hour show, hosted by the BTCC’s popular pitlane commentator Hyde, aired on Tuesday 14 April, but is still available via the Official BTCC App and on the Live Audio section of btcc.net.

Alongside this, a total of 30 audio clips, including TTT episodes and various interviews are available on the aforementioned platform. If that isn’t enough, the Official British Touring Car Championship Interviews channel, available on Apple Podcasts and iTunes, has 300 episodes, guaranteeing you can fill your boots with BTCC entertainment during lockdown!

The next Autoglym Tin Top Tuesday will air on Tuesday 21 April at 8pm, with a 'special episode' – a direct quote from Hyde himself. Get in touch with the show on Twitter @TinTopTuesday to put forward your messages or questions and tune in to see if yours feature next week.

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