Rob's HiQ blog... Knockhill – A hard fought points haul

22nd August 2016

I love Knockhill! It’s my favourite circuit in the UK next to Thruxton, and although it favours the cars driven by the rear wheels, off the back of our podium result at Snetterton I was excited to see what we could do.

With so many rear-wheel drive cars on the grid this year we thought that anything in the top ten would be a really good effort but after qualifying P9, my best qualifying position of the year so far and a best ever for Handy Motorsport, I still wasn’t happy. I didn’t feel like I had done my best, there was more in it and that takes away some satisfaction. It’s a funny thing. For me personally, I can give it everything and extract the maximum out of the car but if the car’s only good enough for 15th I will be happy with my work. Equally, if you win a race through pure luck its nowhere near as satisfying as knowing you really earned it.

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