Kids in Motorsport event proves huge success

18th June 2023

The 2023 Kwik Fit British Touring Car Championship is at Oulton Park this weekend (17/18 June), for its fifth event of the season. Yet, the tin-top action has not been the only highlight of the weekend so far...

On Friday (16 June), during the BTCC's main set-up day, the paddock hosted the second ever Kids in Motorsport event, designed to give primary-age schoolchildren the opportunity to see first-hand the many future jobs that are available for them within motorsport.

Together with Cataclean and MPA Creative, the Kids in Motorsport initiative looks at how education and commerce can work together to inspire and encourage the next generation to consider future careers in motorsport and other STEM-related industries.

The BTCC welcomed the programme, offering a whole host of engaging activities, including opportunities to meet drivers and team personnel, garage tours, taking STEM challenges, sports journalism practice and learning about tyre technology.

The day was a brilliant opportunity to showcase all the moving parts that go into a race weekend, as well as excite and encourage children of all abilities and backgrounds into believing there is a place for them in the vast world of motor racing.

Now the BTCC turns to Rounds 13, 14 and 15, which will mark the halfway point of the season thus far. Excitingly, Round 13 will be broadcast LIVE on ITV1, before coverage switches at 1400 to ITV4, for the final two bouts. © 2025
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