3rd November 2021

Jersey racer Jack Butel has vowed to come back stronger in 2022 after a difficult end to his Kwik Fit British Touring Car Championship programme at Brands Hatch (23/24 October).

Butel was hoping to draw his campaign to a close on a high at the famous Kent circuit, which was the scene of his maiden points finish in the series last year however, having suffered concussion in an incident during the previous event at Donington Park, he was unable to take up his place in the #96 EXCELR8 with TradePriceCars.com Hyundai.

With Andy Wilmot drafted for the weekend to drive the car, Butel was left to take a watching brief for the final three races of the campaign, and would cheer Wilmot on from the team garage as he secured a best finish of 19th.

Following a season where he took huge strides forwards, scoring three points finishes and securing two Jack Sears Trophy victories which saw him clinch the accolade during Thruxton’s second event, Butel goes into the winter with his focus firmly on returning to Britain’s premier racing series for a third season in 2022, with the main goal of challenging for the JST title.

"Standing in the garage watching someone else drive my car wasn't how I planned to enjoy the final rounds of the season," said Butel, "and to be fair, I didn't really enjoy it as I just wanted to be out there on track!

"It was a really tough way to end what has been a fantastic season for me. There are things we have managed to achieve that I wouldn't have thought possible at the start of the year.

"My pace has improved a huge amount this season and there have been some huge positives along the way, even though the year has ended on a low.

"I could probably write a book with everything I have learned this year and I think that puts me in a good position going into next season, where I'd love to return and have another crack at the Jack Sears Trophy.

"I have to say massive thank you to everyone in the EXCELR8 team for their efforts, and also thank all of the sponsors who have supported me across the year."

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