2022 Driver Spotlight: Nicolas Hamilton

21st December 2022

Next in the Driver Spotlight Series is Nicolas Hamilton, who remained with Yazoo with Safuu.com Racing for the 2022 season, piloting the Cupra Leon. 

Hamilton successfully built on last year’s foundations, competing in the most races per season of his BTCC career and still increasing his average finishing position by a grid spot. He took 29th in the championship overall. 

Driver Fact File   

Name: Nic Hamilton  BTCC Wins: 0  
Team:  Yazoo with Safuu.com Racing  BTCC Podiums: 0  
Car:  Cupra Leon  BTCC Poles: 0  
BTCC Debut:  Croft, 2015  BTCC Fastest Laps: 0  
BTCC Races: 117  BTCC Points: 1  
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